for some reason, my room at home is consistently the hottest in the house - two fans on 24/7, windows open for optimal circulation, electronics well ventilated, but still, the heat persists. i managed to escape this suffocating heat one day by going out to play diabolo with my friends. twas good fun, and here is the fruits of our labor:
and the hilarity inbetween is here.
in other news, i'm moving back to colonial in a few days. i found out two days ago that what i thought were my research funds were in fact a stipend for me to use on housing, food, whatever i want. to save myself from waking at 6 or 7 and fighting rush hour every morning (and that labwork could extend to really quite bizarre hours), i'll be living in the good ole club. unfortunately, this room is...even hotter. i've spent half a semester purely on heat transport in all forms; if only that'd help in these kinds of situations.
as for the lab work, i'm kinda scared. each year, i've certainly learned more and more, but at the same time have realized the increasing scope of what are 'known knowns'. the former is perhaps linear, and the latter is...some ridiculous exponential. regardless, the net result is humbling. i've always been at ease with my own insignificance in the big picture (i mean, my internet name is n3mo, or nobody), but working with all these unbelievably bright people is like putting the island of taiwan next to jupiter and going "hah, you're small, n00b. GG."
at the least, they all seem to be really nice people. i'll be working alongside them all summer (and perhaps for years), so that is certainly a good start.
its going to be another summer of new things - labwork, the AFM, cooking (oh teh horrors), etc.
lets do this.
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